When you enter this website you will find a contrasting body of work. On the one hand there are watercolours, usually detailed in pen and ink. This is the technique I use for my more directly commercial work, including house portraits, calendars and notecards. On the other hand there are abstract and semi-abstract works, and these I mainly produce for my own pleasure. I am pleased to say, however, that these works have sold well at exhibitions in the past. Many of them are large-scale works in acrylic on canvas, but others are smaller in scale, either in watercolour under glass, or on small canvases. These are designed to appeal to those who like my abstract style, but have less room on their walls at home or more modest budgets. Whatever the case, I do hope you enjoy browsing through my work, and if you have any questions or an individual request, please do not hesitate to get in touch on the contact form.
Wherever I go, I have a ‘carnet de voyage’ at hand, where I try to capture details of whatever I see, from entire buildings to overlooked and neglected nooks and crannies. Back in my studio, I work these up into watercolour paintings picked out in ink. These in turn have been printed out as notecards or calendars, with such themes as shopfronts, shutters, and old buildings and pubs. Over the years I have been approached by individuals who have seen my work, asking me to do portraits of their homes, businesses or the homes of friends. These can serve as mementoes, publicity material or gifts.
By way of complete contrast, I love to express myself in strong shapes and colours in acrylics or oils on canvas–the bigger the better! Whereas my figurative work concentrates on the man-made environment, my abstracts are inspired by nature, particularly the wild desert landscapes of the western USA. I have had several exhibitions of these works, and the words of an art critic in response to one of them perhaps sums up my approach best,‘[Glueck] doesn’t aim for a literal rendition of the landscape but uses it rather as a springboard into the exploration of shape, colour and atmosphere. Her work occupies that fascinating, indeterminate, space between landscape painting and abstraction.’
Annie Glueck